Gal Gadot, known for her role as Wonder Woman, showed off her supermom skills while shopping in LA with her cute daughter Alma. The 31-year-old Israeli model and actress, who is expecting her second child, cleverly concealed her baby bump with a loose white t-shirt and a light blue denim jacket. Alma, born in 2011, exuded energy as she sprinted next to her famous mom, her long dark blonde hair trailing behind her.
Super mom Gal Gadot, currently expecting her second child, was spotted enjoying a shopping spree at The Grove in Los Angeles with her adorable daughter Alma. Gadot tied the knot with Israeli real estate mogul Yaron Versano in 2008, and the couple joyfully announced their upcoming parenthood on Instagram last November. Versano joined his wife and daughter for the outing at The Grove, where Alma looked stylish in ripped pale jeans paired with a pink t-shirt and a blue and white striped bomber jacket. Meanwhile, dad was casual in jeans, white sneakers, a v-neck dark shirt, and a black zipper jacket.
Casually styled: The 31-year-old Israeli model and actress opted for comfort, concealing her baby bump with a loose white t-shirt and a light blue denim jacket. She completed her look with black leggings and white sneakers.
Gadot’s husband, Yaron Versano, proudly stood by his wife and daughter, donning a casual ensemble of jeans, a dark shirt, and a black jacket. Their daughter, Alma, looked stylish in distressed light jeans paired with a pink t-shirt and a blue and white striped bomber jacket, showcasing a fashionable family affair.
Expecting: The actress proudly flaunted her blossoming baby belly in a stunning designer dress at the prestigious Golden Globes event earlier this year. Gadot’s casual style included loose-fitting tops paired with tight black leggings and crisp white sneakers. She rocked a sleek ponytail and sported oversized sunglasses for a chic look. Gadot, who just finished filming her solo Wonder Woman movie and the Justice League film, is now shifting her attention to her growing family. Although Justice League Part Two is in the works, production details are still up in the air.
Exciting update: Gadot and Versano shared their joy about expecting another child in November through a heartwarming Instagram post.