On Thursday afternoon, Gal Gadot was spotted strolling in Studio City with her two older daughters. The 36-year-old actress, known for her role as Wonder Woman, was seen holding one of her children’s hands as they headed to an ice cream shop after a quick stop at a bookstore. Gadot shares her daughters Alma, 10, and Maya, 4, as well as her six-month-old baby Daniella, with her husband Yaron Varsano, who she has been with for a long time.
Caring mother: Gal Gadot was spotted strolling with her two older daughters in Studio City on a chilly Thursday afternoon. She kept warm in a dark green zip-up hooded jacket and wore colorful leggings with black Ugg-style boots. Her beautiful brunette hair was tied back in a casual bun as she took precautions by wearing a white face mask in public to stay safe from COVID-19.
Keeping cozy: Gadot stayed nice and warm during the chilly winter weather by wearing a dark green zip-up jacket with a hood.
Taking safety measures: At one point, she wore a white face mask to protect herself from COVID-19 while out in public. Gadot and Varsano, both 46, first met at a party held in the Israeli desert back in 2006, and they developed a strong bond thereafter. They got engaged two years later and tied the knot in the same year. The actress and her spouse eventually decided to start a family, and their daughter Alma was born in 2011. They welcomed Maya into their lives in 2017, and Gadot shared the news of Daniella’s birth last June.
Kicking things off on a high note: Gadot and Varsano, aged 46, first crossed paths at a gathering in the Israeli desert back in 2006, sparking a strong connection that has stood the test of time. Fast forward to 2021, and the couple is still going strong.
In a recent interview with InStyle, Gadot talked about her approach to parenting and emphasized the importance of keeping her children out of the public eye. She mentioned that she strives to maintain their privacy and ensure that they remain innocent, safe, and shielded from the spotlight. Despite being open about many aspects of her life, Gadot made it clear that her family is off-limits and that she is very protective of them.
Furthermore, Gadot discussed the balance she strikes between her roles as an actress and a mother, likening her experience to being a kite. She explained that while on set, she can soar high and chase her dreams, but when she returns home, her main focus shifts to being a dedicated mother to her children.
Minding her words: Gadot discussed her parenting style in a recent InStyle interview, emphasizing her desire to protect her children from the spotlight. In a photo from 2020, she is pictured with her husband.
Later, Gadot opened up about her experience with pregnancy, sharing how amazing it was to bring her children into the world.
“I absolutely love giving birth. If I could, I would do it once a week. It’s such a magical experience…the moment when you feel like you’re creating life is simply incredible,” she expressed.
However, she also mentioned that her pregnancies were challenging, with feelings of sickness and migraines. She admitted that those moments were tough because she didn’t feel like herself.
In conclusion, Gadot touched upon her marriage to Varsano, emphasizing the deep connection they share. She reflected on how they have grown together, pointing out that he didn’t stay with her because she’s a “movie star,” but because of their genuine love for each other.
“The bond we have was there from the beginning, before everything else. It has always felt real and right,” she added.
Loyal spouse: Gadot ended the conversation by discussing her relationship with Varsano, her husband who has been by her side since before her acting career began. The couple was last spotted together in 2020.