Gal Gadot is clearly looking forward to her upcoming movie. The 35-year-old actress shared a series of photos on her Instagram to build some anticipation for the release of Wonder Woman 1984. In the pictures, she exuded a mix of calmness and sophistication while striking a pose for the camera.
Gal Gadot appeared stunning! She shared two pictures on her Instagram on Tuesday while getting fans excited for the release of Wonder Woman 1984.
In the photo, Gadot was in a dressing room surrounded by a rack of clothes and a variety of shoes scattered on the floor. She rocked a bold red pantsuit by Yves Saint Laurent paired with a crisp white shirt underneath. Her stylists added a touch of glamour with matching red matte lipstick. To complement the crimson outfit, she opted for heeled black leather shoes. Gadot also accessorized with a mix of gold bracelets and a simple necklace to highlight her natural beauty.
The talented actress was seen rocking a bold red Yves Saint Laurent pantsuit and classy black leather shoes. Earlier in the day, a post was shared on the official Good Morning America Instagram account to build excitement for the new DC Comics-based film. The actress was featured striking the character’s iconic ‘X’ pose in the promotional video, alongside ABC correspondents Janai Norman, Rachel Scott, and Ginger Zee. Janai Norman caught everyone’s attention by donning a Wonder Woman costume and putting all her energy into channeling the character. Gadot has been actively promoting her upcoming film through various means, including sharing posters and videos on her social media platforms.
Spreading the message: Gadot made an appearance in a video shared on Good Morning America’s Instagram to generate buzz about her upcoming movie.
Joining in on the excitement, ABC correspondent Janai Norman decided to dress up as Wonder Woman for her segment in the video.
Following the success of the first film, development on Wonder Woman 1984 started soon after its release, and the project was officially confirmed at the 2017 Comic-Con International.
Filming for the movie began in the summer of 2018 and continued throughout the year, with some cast members returning for reshoots the following year.
Originally slated for release in 2019, Wonder Woman 1984 faced several delays before finally deciding on a dual theatrical and virtual release on December 25th due to the impact of the global pandemic.
The film will be making its virtual debut at the DC Fandome event today, with stars Gal Gadot, director Patty Jenkins, and co-stars Kristen Wiig and Chris Pine scheduled to make virtual appearances.
Exciting news on the horizon: Wonder Woman 1984 is gearing up for its big release on December 25th in theaters and on HBO Max. Fans can also look forward to a special virtual premiere taking place at the DC Fandome later today.