Gal Gadot was looking effortlessly chic as she stepped out of her New York hotel on Friday. The soon-to-be 37-year-old actress bundled up in layers to combat the brisk 54-degree temperatures, sporting a stylish black and white turtleneck sweater underneath a khaki green over shirt. She added a touch of warmth with a faded denim jacket draped over her shoulders. Completing her outfit, the Death on the Nile actress paired the layers with high-waisted straight-leg black pants and sneakers.
During her time in the Big Apple for the reopening of the Tiffany flagship store, she mingled with fellow celebrities including Hailey Bieber at the party on Thursday. This event was part of her collaboration with the iconic jeweler.
Looking effortlessly chic, Gal Gadot was spotted leaving her hotel in New York on Friday. Opting for a layered look, the actress wore a black and white turtleneck sweater underneath a khaki green over shirt. She threw a faded denim jacket over her shoulders for that extra touch of warmth.
Her flowing black hair was elegantly pulled back into a sleek ponytail. The award-winning actress appeared to have opted for a natural look with minimal makeup. She accessorized with stunning diamond earrings and chic aviator sunglasses. What was planned as a business trip for Gal turned into an unexpected early birthday surprise. The action star was taken aback when she walked into her room at the Bowery Hotel and was greeted by a group of friends shouting “surprise!” A video shared on social media captured the moment, with the actress quickly shutting the door in shock before regaining composure. She then shared a sweet kiss with her husband, Jaron Varsano, for his role in the surprise, and warmly embraced her friends who had flown in from Israel for the celebration. The group included well-known personalities like Liron Weizman, Yael Goldman-Pfeffer, Meital Weinberg Adar, and Rotem Sela.
The actress from Death on the Nile combined the layers with black high-waisted straight-leg pants and sneakers. Her long black hair was tied back in a smooth, low ponytail. She kept her accessories to a minimum, adding diamond solitaire earrings and aviator sunglasses to finish off her look.
Surprise: The tough action hero was taken by surprise and instinctively took a step back when her friends suddenly yelled “surprise” as she walked into her room at the Bowery Hotel.
Unexpectedly, a video surfaced on social media featuring the famous action star swiftly shutting the door of the room in a post titled ‘Early Birthday Surprise.’ Despite being startled by her unanticipated visitors, she didn’t miss a beat as she embraced her friends warmly and welcomed them with open arms.
Group of Israeli stars including Liron Weizman, Yael Goldman-Pfeffer, Meital Weinberg Adar, and actress Rotem Sela jetted off to New York for a special event.
Gal made a friend: Spotted hanging out with Hailey Bieber at the grand reopening of the Tiffany & Co flagship store in New York City on April 27th.
The actress from Red Notice shared a photo on her Instagram stories with her friends, where Rotem jokingly wrote, ‘My squad is top-notch.’ The group wasted no time exploring the city, making a stop at the Museum of Modern Art to appreciate the exquisite artwork. That evening, Gal invited her friends and their partners to join her at the gala that marked the reopening of the Tiffany store at The Landmark. Gal, Rotem, and Yael effortlessly glided on the blue carpet, showing off their dance moves as they walked towards the star-studded event. Later on, the friends let loose and enjoyed Katy Perry’s performance at the celebration.